Home Awareness & Activites Man Who Filled 350 Potholes!!

Man Who Filled 350 Potholes!!


Dadarao Bilhore, 47 years old, a vegetable seller, is on his ongoing mission to fill potholes of Mumbai.

He lost his 16 years old son on 28th July 2015, in a road accident occurred due to the potholes. He don’t want anyone else to be a victim of our Municipal apathy. He is trying to do what he can do his best. He has filled more than 350 potholes wherever possible across Mumbai.

Dadarao says that he will continue his fight to ensure culprits to be punised and don’t want others to suffer like he did.

As quoted to Asianage, he says, “I’m tired of filling potholes now, but I won’t stop. Lives are lost because they are not filled on time. When I lost my son, it took them three days to fix that particular pothole. Does this mean that lives need to be lost and families need to be shattered for people to get up and take notice?”

Support Dadarao Bilhore by signing the petition to get rid of potholes in Mumbai which is supported by Spothole App developed by Rupesh a Social entrepreneur.

Sign the Petition here

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