Home Blog St. Michael’s Church, Mahim

St. Michael’s Church, Mahim


St. Michael’s Church is also famously known as Mahim church. It is the oldest church made by the Portuguese in 1534 and also a oldest Portuguese building in Mumbai.

The church is situated in Mahim, located at the intersection of Mahim Causeway and Lady Jamshetjee Road.

Novenas to Our Mother of Perpetual Succour from 18th to 26th June 2021 at St. Michael Church Mahim. The mass and novena will be streamed online due to the current lockdown.

It will be made available daily at the following media channels from 6am onwards in English, Hindi, Marathi, Konkani and Tamil and can be accessed anytime. The Feast is celebrated on 27 June 2021. Please find below the accessible links;

Wednesday prayers are most famous and visited by thousands of people. This prayer is well known as Novenas.

The links for the language novenas are as follows:

English: https://youtu.be/k0hyC_rh80c

Konkani: https://youtu.be/9TdM5eHPNes

Marathi: https://youtu.be/UvUCQxHiQaU

Hindi: https://youtu.be/Dp9Vn6XDkp8

Tamil: https://youtu.be/wLhxL_craF4

YouTube channel: OLPS MAHIM or click on the link below to follow the Mass and Novena Service everyday;


Facebook Page


Prayer Requests and Petitions:

Whatsapp 7738389886

For Online Donations click here

Mass Timings as on 20th December 2020:

Weekdays (Monday – Saturday)
06:30am, 08:00am and 07:00pm
There will be no mass on Wednesday

In Konkani – 07:00am
In English – 08:30am, 10:30am and 06:30pm

Old Mass Timings:

Week Days


(Except Wednesday)

Saturday Sunday
6:30 am (English)


7:30 am (English)

7:00 pm (English)

6:30 am (English)


7:30 am (English)

7:00 pm (English)

6:30 am (English)


7:30 am (Konkani)

8:30 am (English)

Wednesday Novena Timings:

6:00 am (English Mass & Novena)   7:00 am (English Mass & Novena)
8:00 am (English)


8:30 am (English)

9:30 am (English)

10:30 am (Konkani)

12:00 pm (English)


1:00 pm (Tamil)

2:00 pm (Marathi)

3:00 pm (Marathi)

4:00 pm (Hindi)

5:00 pm (English)


6:00 pm (English)

7:00 pm (English)

8:00 pm (English)

9:30 pm (English)

How To Reach: St. Michael Church is situated near to Mahim Bus Station.

BEST Buses to Mahim Bus Station: 1 ltd, 46, 61, 62, c-71 Exp, 74, 80 ltd, 202 ltd, 241, 321 ltd, 376, 408

Walkable 11 mins – 1 km from Nearest Railway Station Mahim.

1.6 km from Bandra railway station.

St Michaels Church
Lady Jamshedji Road,
Mumbai 400 016

Phone: 022 2445 4483

Visit website

History of St. Michael’s Church or Mahim Church

The original St. Michael’s Church is believed to have been built in 1534 by António do Porto, a church builder of the Franciscan Order. When the Marathas conquered Salsette in 1739, Our Lady of the Mount chapel in Bandra was destroyed by the Portuguese at the instance of the British so that its location remained secret to the Marathas. In this time, St. Michael’s Church was the refuge place for the image of the Blessed Virgin from the chapel. The image remained in St. Michael’s till 1761, when it was moved to its present structure in Bandra.

In 1853, St. Michael’s Church witnessed a struggle between Bishop Anastasius Hartmann and the padroado order. St. Michael’s was in control of the vicars apostolic for nearly 60 years. In 1853, a discontented group decided that the control be handed over to the padroado party. To prevent this, Hartmann as the vicars’s leader, went to the church and declared that “he would rather die a martyr than surrender the church to the schismatics”. Hartmann and his followers stayed in the church with enough food and water for 15 days. Hartmann’s opponents had laid “siege” to the church in this period, blocking all entrances. On the 15th day, civil authorities intervened and insisted that the church be reopened. Following this, Hartmann lost control of the church, passing it to padroado order.

In his 1917 book, Sheppard remarks that St. Michael’s was situated on the Portuguese Church Street and is one of the four “only known Portuguese buildings; and of these no distinguishing original feature survives, as they were much rebuilt”. The present structure of St. Michaels was rebuilt in 1973.

excerpt from Wikipedia

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