Home Blog Girl Staying On Mumbai Footpath Passed Her 10th Exams Successfully

Girl Staying On Mumbai Footpath Passed Her 10th Exams Successfully


Sky is the Limit. True to the words Asma is dreaming the sky. Asma Shaikh a girl staying on footpath selling Nimbu Pani, has done well by successfully passing the 10th standard securing 40%.

Asma is one of the students who have done well inspite of studying difficult circumstances.

“I am now going to study more and want to do something for my Dad. He did a lot to me and will see that he won’t stay on the streets.

Joyous Asma saud talking to Mumbai Tak

Father Salim Shaikh said that I never studied but definitely she will do better in her life by studying. I am proud to see her passed the 10th. If she wants to study ahead, I will be happier.

Information source: Mumbai Tak

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