News Update as on 28th March 2025: With water levels at 37%, BMC has written to State Government requesting an allocation of 1.8 lakh million litres of water from Bhatsa & Upper Vaitarna dams.
The Mumbai lakes and dams level reported at 6 am on 28th March 2025 is 535228 ML (36.9 %) of the total 1447363 ML.
Last year on 28th March 2024 was 451736 ML (31.2 %) of the total 1447363 ML.
Water level reported for Barvi dam 49.6 % and Dhamni (Surya) dam 56.8 % of it’s capacity on 28th March 2025.
Water level in dams for other parts of Maharashtra click here
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Mumbai receives freshwater supplies from various lakes and dams such as Upper Vaitarna, Modak Sagar, Tansa, Middle Vaitarna, Bhatsa, Vihar and Tulsi.

Below is the water level reported at 6 a.m. on 28th March 2025 in million litres (ML).
LAKE | Present Level ML | Actual Capacity ML | Water Content in % | Today's rainfall in mm |
U. Vaitarna | 104586 | 227047 | 46.1 | 0.0 |
Modak Sagar | 30798 | 128925 | 23.9 | 0.0 |
Tansa | 42840 | 145080 | 29.5 | 0.0 |
M. Vaitarna | 79401 | 193530 | 41.0 | 0 .0 |
Bhatsa | 260675 | 717037 | 36.3 | 0.0 |
Vihar | 13178 | 27698 | 47.6 | 0.0 |
Tulsi | 3748 | 8046 | 46.6 | 0.0 |
Total | 535228 | 1447363 | 36.9% |
The water level information source is from Hydraulic Engineer’s Department of BrihanMumbai Mahanagarpalika.
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Excellent presentation
I saw on 21/8 the percentage of Tansa 99 and today on 23/8 the percentage is 99.4 just point 4 increase from 2 days and M Vaitarna should a percentage of 96.1 on 21/8 and today it is showing 95.3 , very strange , I might be wrong , on 22/8 there was no update on the percentage at all.
awaiting moderation
Thanks for updating.
Guys, still the current figures are much lower compared to last year. Doesn’t it a reason for worry for coming days?
July also is ending. Is Rain God also under lockdown n decreasd working hours
Rainfall needs to increase on Lakes, else post monsoon period will be too tough!! Oh Rain Gods, please shower your blessings on lakes!! __/\__
Good presentation, looks like levels seem lower than normal but we have seen year after year God’s unconditional favour over Mumbai and I believe that by the end of the season we would be full like ever other year. Thanks to God Almighty and His love for so many years.
Wish these lakes get filled so fast that Mumbai’s basic problem of water gets solved for the year. But so much dependency is not good, rain harvesting is the need of every society. God is graceful so far…
Water level is increasing at satisfactory rate and hope it will be soon at desired level in this week only.
There should be static 25 % water cut all round the year, then only people will realise the importance of this precious commodity.
Above news show few lakes are about to fulfill the needs but still BMC updating that water cut will be there due to less rain. I desire in Jankalyan Nagar,Malad West , the BMC is supplying us foul smell water from past 2months but we residence ignored and used that water for daily needs but now from few weeks they totally slow down the water mentioning no water due to less rain.. Last full one year they spend time in repairing old pipe lines and new pipe mentioning that you will good water but it happen totally opposite.. I would like to convey the message to concerned person that please provide us good water.
Please visit your respective ward for complaint. Visit for ward details and contact numbers of officers.
Sir, may we Will achieve satisfactory water level and cuttoti may reduce but my request is that don’t reduce force of supply but keep staggering day holiday for once in week areawise that Will save water waste and utility..
If it is increasing tragically it’s always good for future
,are get properly close
Maharashtra even though a corrupt state run by each government over the years, but the people of Maharashtra believe in god GANAPATHI, work very hard, people like me working for private firm without the facility of travelling by train ( only essential). Everytime I noticed that before Ganapathi, the great GOD helps us to fill the lakes almost to a level which people should not get shortage of water scarcity. Jai Maharashtra, jai hind.
थेंबे थेंबे
It high time people and government should realize the importance of water conservation. Within city gallons of water go waste in drain. We can store it and used for secondary purpose as now done in a few city.
God is Great, at least he listen the mumbaikars , and blessed is.
In the table above as on date 19th August 2020
Total Present Water level in 2020:1232308 approx 87%.
The city of Mumbai should thank the rain Gods,but should
rains fail to appear in the 7 lakes area.The MCGM.should
start off with water to mumbai through Desalination Plants.
as the Gulf States have done.
Instead of making non sencical adverticement against their
dummy work for loot public sentiment they have to make how to utilise the water properly and saving of water in broader prospect, by orporation/ruling parties.
Only 8.38% water stock was left in the 7 lakes supplying drinking water to Mumbai,just sufficient for 32 days’ supply. The poor water content in the lakes led the BMC to impose a 20% water cut owing to meagre rainfall in the catchment areas.We, the Mumbaikars were in great despair as there were no signs of early rains..While reading the QURAN,I noticed a verse no:67,surah no:37 wherein the Almighty Allah has revealed to his prophet (peace be upon him) as “Say (to the people).Have you considered that if your water was to be sunken,then Who could bring for you the flowing water”. Also, in verse no: 28 surah no : 42, the Almighty Allah has revealed “It is He ( the Almighty) Who sends down the rain when they (people) have despaired (lost hopes) and spreads His Mercy, and He is the Protector , the Praiseworthy”. As of now, we have been blessed and our hopes are revived as all the lakes are nearly full and watercut is being withdrawn by the BMC.
So unlimited thanks to the Almighty Allah for blessing His creatures with the most essential and precious commodity in the form of water. We all should take care to use water very judiciously.
Its just a very good news GOD has once again showered his blessings on the MUMBAIKARS……may GOD bless US with loads of HAPPINESS..after this pandemic situations….aameen
God is generous and kind to Mumbai. God saved our city from furious Nisarg cyclone and now from shortage of water . Let us pray to God to save our world COVID 19 pandemic . Thank you God.
God is generous and kind to Mumbai. God saved our city from furious Nisarg cyclone and now from shortage of water . Let us pray to God to save our world from COVID 19 pandemic . Thank you God.
I have a suggestion for department. It has been observed that department start imposing water cut in the month of either July or August. However, if water cut ( may be 5% to 10%)is imposed right from previous December / January in that case even if rain is insufficient department will be in position to supply water for longer period. Requesting you to seriously think on this.
God will not trouble People of Mumbai as he had given enough by way of covid.
I have a feeling that Mumbai needs to have a control of water supply and need to advise public about the precious usage of water. Since, Mumbai has good stock, every one in not bothered and some people waste the precious water. Therefore, Public need to use water economically and for that Authorities need to restrict water supply timings. We know many buildings have a storage capacity of 4000 ltrs per flat basis in the brew constructions started from 1990 onwards. We also need to plan for additional storage facility in by creating artificial lakes near Kharghar and Panvel
Mumbai is always blessed but we should be cautious to use water judiciously Moreover, water cut ( merely 3 to 5% ) should be imposed from December onward so as to have sufficient stock for ensuing year. Thank you department and God.
water supplyig Dam to mumbai is almost overflow now, but BMC is still cutting water supply to mumbai Why ? pls. clearify
we are facing lots of problem. pls. remove water cutoff.
BMC has revoked the cut.
31-08-2020 The Comments on 30-8-2020 by a water conscious enthusiastic gentleman,are a great suggestion to the BMC “To make new Dams in Mumbai and outside of the City”, as, on account of no storing space,plenty of rain water is wasted ,which cannot be afforded in view of the rapid increase in requirement of this very precious natural commodity.To situate new Dams in Mumbai may not be possible.However,some smaller capacity Dams outside the City, may have the potential of expansion to increase the storage capacity.One such Dam adjacent to Mumbai is the Ransai Dam in Uran of Raigad District.This Dam overflowed quickly by end of July so that plenty of water flowed as wastage.The water from this Dam is supplied to Uran Township,ONGC and Gram Panchayats in Uran Taluka. The natural topography of the area seems to be perfectly suitable for expansion of the lake as the lake is surroúnded by hills on three sides which form good wall barriers and catchment areas for the lake….
[…] Check the water levels of Lakes and Dams […]
Its very important to save water. BMC announces water cut for most of the areas in mumbai. May be they are saving water for their future generations. God will save our future generations.
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Like last year this year also the precipitation in lakecatchment is satisfactory. BMC hydraulic deptt is issuing the lake water level in percent and content in million litres. As we all are aware that flooded river and surface runoff causes soil erosion. It very severe in Sahyadri slopes. Ultimately the eroded soil deposits in lakebed. The continuous yearly silt deposit in Lake bed reduces water storage space. Is there any research on quantity of yearly silt accumulation by hydraulic deptt. While publishing the water level, this silt deposit is also acconted for. Has the BMC got desilting operations of lakes in blue print. If yes how silt is utilized.
I do agree that we should think of de-sailitization as some of the gulf countries do use this process like Saudi Arabia where there is scant rain fall
We were expecting daily updates, but after 13th September there is no update had seen, whether any system error or something else, please clarify
[…] Detailed information on lake levels […]
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