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Study by TIFR suggests dipping COVID curves in Mumbai by June 2021!


Enveloped under lockdown restrictions, residents in Mumbai are severely affected by the second wave of the coronavirus. While the tallies of new infections have marked a significant downfall in the past few days, the graph of patients still remains in an alarming zone. Now, a study by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research has concluded that Mumbai will become ‘safer’ by June 1, if certain criterion are assured, as stated by reports.

New variant, the prime cause behind uncontrolled surge in Mumbai

As per reports, the researchers predict that life in Mumbai would revert back to normalcy by June 1, if consistent vaccination drives are conducted and no new variant enters the city. This analysis was made after a team of experts focussed their efforts towards studying the course of COVID numbers through the timeline of the second wave till now. If the anticipations from this calculative model turn into reality, it is being said that the schools may be opened in July.

Further, the scientists attributed the sudden surge in Mumbai to the new mutant virus that started circulating during the month of February. As per reports, the experts mentioned that the reversal of restrictions after this time played an important role in the rapid spread of contamination. Amongst a list of things, the local trains contributed the most towards the onslaught of the second wave.

On Monday 10th May, 1764 cases were registered in Mumbai with recovery rate at 91% and doubling rate 163 days showing good improvement.

Article and image source : Knocksense.com

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