Home Blog NGO Providing Food & Medicines For Home Quarantined

NGO Providing Food & Medicines For Home Quarantined


Maharashtra state being leading in Covid-19 patients with all deaths till date reported from Mumbai. There is increasing number of patients reporting positive with Corona virus. Several people have been stamped or issued letters of Home Quarantined.

Home quarantine people are kept in isolation for 14 days. So they will start running out of food items in few days. In such case the situation of home quarantined people is difficult when no one to help them. To help such people, city based NGO, “Project Mumbai” have taken initiative to deliver medicines and food free of cost.

“I have been an active part of the process of looking at what can be done during this critical time. And though the Municipal Commissioner’s task force is already working in several areas, I felt that we as citizens have to step up and plug the gaps. Several people have returned to the city from different countries, tested negative but placed under mandatory home-quarantine.”

Shishir Joshi founder of PROJECT MUMBAI speaking to The Better India

Home quaratined people are verified by asking them to send the photo of Home Quarantined stamp or any other evidence through whatsapp. This NGO have tied up with some medicine and grocery providers to ease the process.

This NGO also appealing volunteers to come forward and take up this cause. Volunteers can get in touch through email on volunteer@projectmumbai.org and find more details on their website

Information source: TheBetterIndia

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