Home Blog Mumbai Witnessed Late Monsoon Withdrawal In Consecutive Years 2016 & 2017

Mumbai Witnessed Late Monsoon Withdrawal In Consecutive Years 2016 & 2017


24th October 2017 official withdrawal of the monsoon by IMD from Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra. It is the second late withdrawal just after 26th October in 2016. The normal date of withdrawal of monsoon from Mumbai is 1st October. This year in 2017 the withdrawal of monsoon delayed by 23 days. It is a rare event where monsoon was withdrawn post Diwali festival.

Article source: WeatherView.in

It’s not a surprise that monsoon withdrawal was delayed. Though the withdrawal date is 1st October, the data of past 10 years reveal that the withdrawal dates have surpassed 10th of October.

Below are some of the statistics of withdrawal dates from period between 1960 to 2017:

The earliest of monsoon withdrawal: 23rd September 1963
The late monsoon withdrawal: 26th October 2016

1) Number of years in which monsoon withdrawn on or before 30th September: 8 times
2) Number of years in which monsoon withdrawn between 1st to 5th October: 11 times
3) Number of years in which monsoon withdrawn between 6th to 10th October: 17 times
4) Number of years in which monsoon withdrawn between 11th to 15th October: 16 times
5) Number of years in which monsoon withdrawn between 16th to 26th October: 5 times

Hence it can be seen that the maximum number of withdrawal dates are between 6th to 15th October.


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