Home Blog Monsoon Diseases – Mumbaikars Should Take Care About It

Monsoon Diseases – Mumbaikars Should Take Care About It


Though the arrival of monsoon brings cheers but it also brings the diseases that is unavoidable. The post Covid-19 period have added challenges to the health of the people. Overflowing garbage, stagnant water and unhygienic food all lead to ac condition that the perfect environment for a variety of diseases to flourish. There is marked increase in the number of diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis, typhoid etc. Wading through dirty water, following heavy rains causes various skin diseases and leptospirosis.

The sudden drop in temperature and high humidity provides the ideal situation for occurrence\ of respiratory and viral diseases. The stagnant water facilitate the breeding of mosquitoes which are responsible for high incidence of malaria and dengue fever during the monsoon.

Personal hygiene

After returning from the outdoors, it is important to take a bath to help wash off any germs that might have gathered on the skin and protect you from illnesses. Our hands are the key focus areas when it comes to personal hygiene and disease prevention. It is important to thoroughly and frequently wash them with soap and water especially before eating or after using the washroom. Sneezing or coughing without covering the face is another harmful practice that should be completely avoided.

Social distancing

With the reopening, most of us have started using public transport to work and also go out to the market to buy essential items. It is imperative to take various precautions such as maintaining distance with people who show symptoms of illness or cough without covering their mouth. Face masks are essential while stepping out of your home. People with weaker immunity, children and the elderly should avoid going to crowded places.

Food and water hygiene

One must ensure adequate food and water hygiene even at home. Avoid eating roadside food and try to eat fresh, homecooked meals as far as possible. Carrying one’s own water bottles etc. is recommended and so is drinking purified or boiled water. Eating immunity-boosting and seasonal foods is a good way to stay healthy during the rainy season.

Protect the respiratory system

Air-borne infections can affect the respiratory system and certain home remedies can be beneficial. One should consume warm water as far as possible and take steam inhalation once a day. Make sure you also practise yoga and certain breathing exercises like the pranayama.

Article source: IndianExpress

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