Home Places to Visit Dhobi Ghat at Mahalakshmi

Dhobi Ghat at Mahalakshmi


Dhobi Ghat is the world’s biggest open air laundry built in 1890. This heritage site is located near Mahalakshmi railway station. It is also famous attraction for foreign tourists.

It’s amazing human-powered washing machine. Everyday one lakh of clothes are washed by around 7000 people known as Dhobis. These Dhobis work around 20 hours a day. One can have the best view is from the bridge across the railway tracks near Mahalaxmi train station.

Rows of open-air concrete wash pens

There are rows of open-air concrete wash pens, each fitted with its own flogging stone. The clothes are scrubbed, flogged, dye and bleached on concrete pens, dry them on ropes, pressed them neatly and transported to respective clients across Mumbai city.

1) In 2013, World Records India and World Amazing Records honoured World Record Certificate to Dhobi Kalyan & Audhyogik Vikas Co – op. Society Ltd.
2) Plaque from the Guinness World Records prominently displayed at the entrance of the Ghat.
3) The record of 496 clothes were hand washed simultaneously. This feat was achieved on 8th March 2011.

It is one of the cheapest source for many laundries in Mumbai to get clothes washed and pressed for their customers.

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