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Healing The Hurt Inner Child

Do you generally respond or react?

Reaction is automatic because it’s an inbuilt mechanism of hurt inner child. The shadows of past hurt and pain impels a person to react and hinders one to decide or choose differently.

No matter how distant, evasive, or even alien it may seem to be, we each have a “Child Within”—the part of us that is ultimately alive, energetic, creative and fulfilled. This is our Real Self—who we truly are.

With the help of parents, other authority figures, and institutions (such as education, organized religion, politics, the media, and even some therapy), most of us learn to stifle or deny our Child Within.

When this vital part of each of us is not nurtured and allowed freedom of expression, a false or co-dependent self emerges.

As our false self needs to withdraw and to be in control, it sacrifices nurturing or being nurtured. It cannot surrender. It is self-righteous and attempts to block information coming from the unconscious. Even so, it tends to repeatedly act out unconscious, often painful patterns. Because it forgets our Oneness, it feels separate.

The good news is that we can choose to heal the hurt inner child and get our “original power” back.

Now choose to heal your inner child and be the MAGICAL being that you truly are, with trained and experienced Shampa Mukherjee.

“Healing the hurt Inner Child”
Date: 24th and 25th June 2017.
Venue: D.N.Nagar, Andheri west.  Mumbai.
Time: 10am to 5pm (both days)

For Registration and more details contact,
Shampa Mukherjee – 9316666416
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