Home Blog Climate Change Summit – Initiative By Engineering College in Mumbai

Climate Change Summit – Initiative By Engineering College in Mumbai


For the very first time in Mumbai, an engineering college has come up with something so ignorant! MCT’s Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, located in Mumbai are organizing the “The SUMMIT on CLIMATE CHANGE” on 1st March, 2019!

Young entrepreneurs, researchers, policy makers and change makers will grace the panel. The prime intent to organize this is to address the looming threat of the advent of Climate Change and ignite the thought process of finding the solutions to this catastrophe.

Climate Change is no far away problem, it is happening now! And our future generations will be suffering for sure. This is the defining moment. If we don’t act now, the damage will become completely irreversible!

Entrepreneurs, environmental scientist, researchers, policymakers and like-minded people who share a goal, Climate Action, shall be on the panel!

The root cause of the current issues in the world is Climate Change. It’s time for some action!

Join in this attempt to create solutions for mitigating climate change.

Certificate of participation and kit would be provided!

Venue: Andheri
Time: 10 am to 2 pm
Date: 1st March, 2019
Registration fees: Rs. 50

For more details: Visit Facebook event page

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